If for whatever reason the Bank Reconciliation doesn't reconcile in CFPwinMan, there are some steps you can follow to help you reconcile.
- Click Postings on the main toolbar
- Click Bank Reconciliation on the dropdown menu
- Search for and select the bank account which you are to reconcile
- The Bank Reconciliation displays
- Make sure that you are reconciling to the CFWD balance on the Bank Reconciliation screen
- Check the Date of Last Reconciliation to see when the bank last reconciled, and then move the date forward on the Bank Reconciliation a week or more to check for future dated items
- Check that the Print Pay In Slip and the AutoBanking screens have been updated
For more information on Bank reconciliation, click here - On the Bank Reconciliation screen, click Preview. If the word Discrepancy appears on the bottom of the screen, click here for more information on Bank reconciliation discrepancies
- Run the Reconcile Balances Report – is the system in balance with a green tick.
If you have generated a Reconcile Balances Report and a red cross appears, this indicates CFPwinMan is not in balance. If so, you should contact Support urgently by clicking Submit a request below and completing the contact form
Untagging Bank Reconciliations
Untagging the Bank Reconciliation back to when it last reconciled can help unreconcile previous updated entries if items have been ticked off in error. If you do untag bank reconciliations, it's generally best to untag them one at a time and then check the effect on the Bank Reconciliation before doing the next.
We recommend you untag in Demo Version first, make notes, and if needed, then do so on the live system.
- Click Miscellaneous
- Click Different Database from the dropdown menu
- The Change Datapath will display. Select Demo Data on the dropdown
- Click Demo Version
- The main toolbar and side menu will appear with a shaded Yellow border to show you're in Demo Version
- Select the required Batch number from the dropdown
- Click UnTag Previous Update to undo the last bank reconciliation
Untagging bank recs is done via UnTag Previous Update in the bottom left of the Bank Reconciliation screen
When a bank reconciliation is untagged, all the previous entries on that reconciliation will appear again, ticked. By unticking them, the balance should then return to the point that it last reconciled.
Running the Cash Book Summary report can also help as it shows all items, if and when they've been Reconciled or not, the Batch and the date when this happened.