How do I report on enquiry sources?

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

It's possible to create a report showing the Enquiry Sources for your Applicants, Tenants or Landlords.

This article includes: 

Location of the Enquiry Source

  1. Double click Applicants from the side menu
  2. Search for the relevant Applicant/Tenancy using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
    1. Alternatively, find the Applicant/Tenancy using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
    2. Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
  3. Click on the Applicant
  4. The Applicant Information will display the Enquiry Source. An Enquiry Source can be selected using the dropdown menu


On the Landlord Information, the Enquiry Source can be seen:


Report on the Enquiry Source

  1. Click Reporting on the main toolbar
  2. Click General on the dropdown menu
  3. Click Marketing
  4. Click either Landlord Enquiry Sources Report or Tenants Enquiry Sources Report
  5. Click Next
  6. In Landlord/Tenants Enquiry Sources Report
    1. In Date Range, enter the dates you want to report on
    2. Click Next
  7. In Landlord/Tenants Enquiry Sources Report
    1. Select the output you want to generate i.e. Report
    2. Preview the report on screen
    3. Printout 
    4. Export it to Excel where you can save the report to a location on your computer
    5. Click Finished to generate the report


Add additional Enquiry Source options


You will need access to User Defaults, to edit your default settings. These can be accessed by those who have the correct permissions

  1. Click Defaults on the main toolbar
  2. Click User Defaults from the dropdown menu
  3. Click Enquiry Sources
  4. Click in the next blank line and type your new enquiry source which you want to report
  5. Click X to close
  6. Click Close
