Can I report on EPC ratings of Band E (39) or lower?

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

It's possible to create a report showing Properties with EPCs that have a lower rating than 39 (Band E).

This article includes: 

Create a report

  1. Click Reporting on the main toolbar
  2. Click General from the dropdown menu
  3. Select Custom 
  4. Click Finished
  5. The Custom Report Generator will open and the Defined Reports tab will display
  6. In Remaining Reports, there is a list of EPC Ratings reports. Click on the preferred report, then select the method which you want it produced
  7. Click Generate Report to open. You can choose to print and view it
    1. Click Export to Excel if you prefer to save the report in a location on your computer
    2. Click X to close


Style of reports

EPC Energy Ratings

EPC Ratings Below E

EPC Ratings Below E with Exemption

EPC Ratings Below E with LCode
(Landlord Code)