VAT reports can be generated for a Commercial Property in the Service charge module of CFPwinMan.
First, you will need to check the VAT User Defaults and check the setup of the VAT so the reports are available for you to generate.
For more information on How can I charge VAT on Service charges, click here
This article includes:
Report on Periods Ending
- Click Reporting on the main toolbar
- Click Taxes/NRL, then select VAT Reports
- Select Choose Management Company
- Click on the ... to select the management company which you want to produce the VAT report for
- Report on Periods Ending - With this selected, the reporting on periods ending is automatically created from the information you added on the Head Property when you entered the VAT number
Report on all VAT from
With Report on all VAT from selected, you then override the information on the system and get this warning:
- Select what you want to report on from the VAT summary to the full details
- We recommend running all five reports to enable you to assess how the system has calculated the VAT figures
Surplus of VAT
If the report indicates there is a surplus of VAT to be paid over to the management company, this should be processed via a Contractor payment which has been set up as Contractor for VAT Only Payment.
If you don’t have a Contractor already created to make VAT payments, you will need to add one on to the system and tick the box as per below.
- Click Contractors from the side menu
- Alternatively, click Information on the main toolbar
- Select Contractors from the dropdown menu
- Click New, the folded page icon, on the toolbar
- A blank, new Contractor Information appears
- Name the record VAT Payment
- Tick Contractor for VAT Only Payments
Once this is ticked, elements of the Contractor Information will be greyed out and once saved as a Contractor for VAT Only Payments, this CAN NOT BE ALTERED.
Make a VAT payment
To make a VAT payment, you will post a Property expense.
- You will notice when you go into posting an expense that the VAT column is only available to post a figure in to.
- Process this expense as normal, selecting the Property and the correct Schedule, and put in an appropriate Description
- Once updated, you can pay the expense in the normal way