If you need need CFP installing on your server, or you've had one of our computers replaced and need CFP installing on to it, please follow the steps below.
Please make sure this is carried out by your IT provider and they're logged in with a Windows account with local admin rights. If you would prefer for Support to run the installation, please click Submit a request below and complete the contact form. Support will then contact you to book in the installation
This article includes:
Installing CFPwinMan SDB Workstation software
- The first step is to locate the installation files. These should be located on the mapped drive to the server. If you need to map the drive, check on a machine that already has CFPwinMan SDB installed, make sure you use the same drive letter (Usually W:\)
- Under the W:\CFP Installs\ or W:\Winman32\CFP Installs\ folder, run the latest CFPwinMan SDB Workstation.exe file. Make sure this is on or above, if it’s not, contact CFP Support for assistance
- Click Next until you get to the Select Components screen
- The top 4 options need to be selected every time and the Auto Updater. The rest are paid for extras and should only be ticked if you have paid for these modules. If you are unsure if you should have these, check with the CFP Support team
The Notices & Agreements should NOT be installed as this could replace your existing agreements with the default ones
- Click Next to start the installer
- The Internet Upload module and KeyModule have passwords that need to be typed to install (If you have paid for them). Internet Upload is ‘iu921’ and KeyModule is ‘km1113’. If you install these modules and you haven’t bought them, you will receive an error message when you try to log in. You will need to contact CFP Support to remove these modules
Updating the software
Once the workstation installer has been run, it needs to be updated to the latest version (even if the Workstation software is the same as the version you are running, this still needs to be done).
- The patch can be found in the W:\Winman32\Updates\ folder. There should be a folder for each version you have had. Open the folder for the version you are running (Check on a machine that already has CFP installed) and run the setup.exe from that folder
- Once the installer has opened, click Upgrade now
- Click Next to start the install
- Run this through, no options should need to be changed. Once the installer has finished you’re ready to licence the software
- Support will supply you with a .zip file which contains the licence file. Please extract the attached file onto the root of C: e.g. C:\syscode32.inf - make sure it isn't in any sub folders. The software will check in with the licence server so make sure you are not exceeding your licence limit
- When logging in to the software, it will check if you have Adobe installed (Please contact your IT to install this), and it will check if Outlook is installed and set it as your email provider for CFP