In CFP Match & Mail, you can easily change the colour settings for brochures, window cards and Photolists. Match & Mail allows you to alter the colours according to your agencies branding so that each of the window cards, property brochures and Photolists, print in the colours of your choice.
To amend your colours:
- Click Defaults on the main toolbar
- Click User Defaults on the dropdown menu
- Click Brochures
- Alternatively, you can click Photolists
- Click Document Settings
- The Documentation Settings window opens. This displays the colour palette along with the currently selected colour and that colours RGB code.
To change a colour, click the ... (3 dots) - You can change the colour in different ways, based on the information you have:
- Basic – Select from the honeycomb selection as shown below
- System – Select from a system specific colour used by Windows
- Web – Select from a selection of standard Web-Safe colours
- Professional –
- H S L A – Set a colour by using the Hue, Saturation, Lightness and Alpha dropdowns
- R G B – Set a colour by using the Red, Green, Blue dropdowns (see below image)
- # (Hexadecimal) – Enter the Hex code in the field marked with #
- Basic – Select from the honeycomb selection as shown below
- If you don't have any of these values, you can also use the colour dropper
- Open an existing brochure or website that shows the desired colour
- Click the colour dropper icon and then click the desired colour on the document/website
- Once you have clicked the colour dropper, as you move your mouse you'll see the values in the # (Hexadecimal) field changing. The point at which you click the mouse is the colour that will get set
- To re-use the same colours again in future, once you have the desired colour showing:
- In the New window, click Add Custom Color
- You can then re-use those colours again without having to re-enter the colour codes or use the colour dropper, by selecting them from the choices at the bottom