Where do I enter a VAT number in User Defaults?

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

The steps below show you where to add or change your agency VAT registration number in the User Defaults settings, including where to add it, if you have Multi Office switched on.

This article includes: 

Single Branch

  1. Click Defaults on the main menu
  2. Click User Defaults on the dropdown menu
  3. Click on Information
  4. The Agency Information displays. In Tax Description, VAT will appear
  5. In Tax Number, either enter your VAT registration number or amend it
    1. When a number is entered, the VAT registered box is automatically ticked and greyed out
    2. You can untick this box by removing the number
  6. Click Close to save
  7. Click Close to exit 


Multi Office

If you have Multi Office set up, you can have a different VAT registration number for each branch. This is entered in the Multi Office Settings.

  1. Click Defaults on the main menu
  2. Click User Defaults on the dropdown menu
  3. Click Branch, Dept, Fee Earners
  4. Click on the Multi Office tab
  5. Click Multi Office Settings
  6. On the side menu, under Branches, click on the branch to which you want to add the VAT details
  7. The Branch Information displays, as shown in the image below. Click Branch Details
  8. The Agency Information displays. In Tax Description, VAT will appear
  9. In Tax Number, either enter your VAT registration number or amend it
    1. When a number is entered, the VAT registered box is automatically ticked and greyed out
    2. You can untick this box by removing the number
  10.  Repeat these steps to enter a different VAT number to each branch
  11. Click Close to save
  12. Click Close to exit


Multi Office Settings


Branch Details