The steps below show you how you can add a new invoice to either a Landlord, Tenancy, Tenant or Contractor and set it up as a recurring invoice.
You're able to:
- Add a new rent invoice as recurring
- Add a new recurring invoice for another item i.e. Tenancy insurance
- Double click Tenancies from the side menu
- Search for the relevant Tenancy using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
- Alternatively, find the Tenancy using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
- Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
- Click Invoice
- The Tenancy Invoice will display
- Date - Add the due date of the invoice, for example, if this is a recurring rent invoice, the date will be the day which the rent is due
- Item - Select Rent from the dropdown menu. Anything with the word Fee goes to the agency, all other options will go to the Landlord
- Description - Type a description. This will appear on the invoice and Landlord Payment
- Amount - Type the amount of the invoice
- VAT - If you are VAT registered and VAT applies, it will be calculated on top of the Amount figure
- Per - Select from the dropdown menu how often the invoice will recur, i.e. M = Same day of each month, W = Weekly, Y = Yearly etc
- Calc - Always keep this ticked so the rent invoice will be raised when calculating rents
For more information on How do I calculate rents and what is their meaning, click here - S/O - This will only appear for those agents using the Standing Order Module, tick if required
- Click Preview - To view a copy of the invoice
- Send Options - Tick to send a copy of the raised invoice to your Tenant
- Click Update
- Invoices can only be updated when the invoice is due, then it's highlighted in yellow
- If your invoice is not due and you want to update it, in Trans Up To, change the date to the date of the invoice you want to update. The invoice line will highlight yellow
- Click Update
- Click Close
A copy of the invoice will be saved in the History Log and ready to receipt when you click the Receipt button.