Can I report on Works Orders?

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

You can create a Worksheets report to list all your works orders based on their Status or for a specific property or contractor, including:

  • Works orders outstanding
  • Works orders completed
  • Works orders awaiting invoice

To do this:

  1. Click Reporting on the main toolbar
  2. Click General on the dropdown menu
  3. The Report Generator will open. Click Information and All Tenancies
  4. Click Next
  5. Select the Worksheets
  6. Click Next
  7. Select Work Orders
  8. Click either All Works Orders, Property or Contractor
    1. If you click Property or Contractor, a grid will display 
  9. In Work Order Status, select the relevant option from the dropdown menu
    1. All Works orders
    2. Outstanding
    3. Completed
    4. Awaiting invoice
  10. Click Next
  11. Order the report by various criteria in Ascending or Descending Order
  12. Click Next
  13. Select the Output options 
    1. Preview the report on screen
    2. Print the report to your printer
    3. Export Select and locate a place on your computer for the report to be to saved
    4. Click Finished to generate the report