If when you click on a tab or item in CFPwinMan, a message appears indicating you don't have sufficient clearance, or a tab is greyed out and can’t be opened, this shows your security clearance in the Passwords settings hasn't been permitted for that item.
This article includes:
Security clearance
The levels of security are set up in an individual users Passwords settings. If an item in the settings isn't selected, the user will not have access.
A read only (RO) option is also available and can be selected, giving the person access to view a record but not access to edit the details.
In the first instance, ask your manager or office administrator if you are allowed access to this area and if they can amend your password defaults.
Default password settings
You will need access to User Defaults, to edit your default settings. These can be accessed by those who have the correct permissions
- Click Defaults on the main toolbar
- Click User Defaults on the dropdown menu
- The Standard tab displays. Click Passwords
- Double click on the users name for whom you want to make changes
- Click on the Security tab
- In the Inc column, tick to give security clearance for the corresponding description
- In the R/O column, tick if you want the user to only have Read Only access. If the R/O box is grey, there is not an option to give read only access on that item
- Click Save and Exit
- Select No to a New Role
- Click Close
- Click Close again