What do I do in the event of a computer catastrophe?

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

If you have a virus, fire, flood, server failure, stolen machines or other disaster, you may not be able to access any files on your machines. Therefore, we recommend that you Print this article and keep it somewhere safe, as well as share it with your IT Company.

Hopefully, you are reading this prior to something going wrong, so before doing anything else, if you have a good and current backup, all is not lost!
For more information on How do I backup my data, click here

This article includes: 

Contact IT

Should something like a virus or hardware failure occur, in the first instance you will need to contact your IT company urgently.

Check external backups

Your IT company should be able to access your external backups to ensure that your data is not lost and is retrievable.

Contact support to reinstall CFPwinMan

Once IT have cleared or fixed your machines, the CFPwinMan Installs Team can reinstall winMan SDB. We recommend you first contact Support. Click Submit a request below and complete the contact form, or call them as soon as possible, to ensure they can book you into the first available slot.

They will need to know

  • Where your back up data is stored
  • How many machines need installing
  • Whether the machines are local workstations or the SQL server machine


If the SQL server needs reinstalling, this will incur a charge. Our Support team will be able to provide you with a quote