How to view and manage a list of all arrears

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

On the Organiser, you can view a list of Landlord, Tenant, and Tenancy arrears. This includes outstanding rent invoices, outstanding fee invoices raised on your Landlord, and any other invoices which have been raised and are overdue.

You can:

  • Send an email or SMS to your Tenants from the Organiser
  • Generate a Statement of Arrears
  • Generate a Tenant statement, as well as a Tenancy or Landlord ledger statement of their payments and receipts
  • Export arrears lists to Excel
  • Add headers and footers to your statements
  • Credit outstanding arrears and any partial balances 


If it seems there are arrears missing from your Organiser, the default settings may need adjusting
For more information on How do reminder dates show on the organiser, click here

This article includes: 

Manage arrears

  1. Click Reporting on the main toolbar
  2. Click Organiser from the dropdown menu
    1. Alternatively, click the folded page icon on the toolbar
  3. Arrears is listed on the left with the number of arrears. Click View to see the full list
  4. The Arrears grid will open. Click Summary - This shows an outstanding total for each Tenant or Landlord
  5. Click Detail - This shows each individual outstanding item for each Tenant or Landlord
  6. Items in yellow are Tenants who have a Guarantor
    1. Click on a header to reorder the list
    2. Type in the blue line under the header to search a column
  7. Click the black arrow on the end of a line, then double click to open the Information record

Some records may have *CR*. Click here for more information on What does *CR* mean on the arrears list.

Send an email from the Organiser

  1. Click the black arrow at the end of a line, or press Ctrl on your keyboard to select more than one
  2. Right click and select Email Tenancy
  3. A message will appear if any tenants don't have an email address, click OK
  4. The names and email addresses will appear. Untick any you don't want to send a message to
  5. Type your Email Message into the contents
  6. Send Email Now - Leave this ticked
  7. Click Confirm to send the email

If you don't have email set up, click here for more information on How do I set up CFPwinMan to send emails.

Send an SMS to Tenants from the Organiser

  1. Repeat the above steps to send an SMS, but choose SMS in place of Email
    If you don't have SMS set up, click here for more information on How do I set up and send SMS text messages

Produce an Arrears Statement

  1. Follow the steps above to display the list of Arrears on your Organiser
  2. Click the black arrow on the end of a line, then double click to open the Information record
  3. Click Account to display the audit trail for the individual record
  4. Click Itemised Arrears
  5. Click Preview Report
  6. An itemised Statement of Arrears will display
    1. If there is any unallocated money, this will show as a credit above the total outstanding
  7. Select Email or Print
    1. If you chose to Print the Statement of Arrears, it will be sent to your printer
    2. If you chose to Email the Statement of Arrears, it will be sent by email with a standard email template
      For more information on How do I change the default email and SMS messages, click here
      For more information on How do I set up CFPwinMan to send emails, click here

Produce a Tenant/Tenancy Statement

  1. Follow the steps above to display the list of Arrears on your Organiser
  2. Click the black arrow on the end of a line, then double click to open the Information record
  3. Click Account to display the audit trail for the individual record
  4. Tenancy Statement is already selected 
    1. Statement Date and Statement End Date can be selected
    2. Consolidation - Select from the options if required
  5. Print, Preview or Email, if you would like the filtered Tenancy Statement to go to the recipient 
  6. Report Format - If Normal is selected, you have the option to export to Excel
  7. Choose the option to produce your report or adjust the columns
  8. Click Close

Headers and footers on Statements

If you would like to see your company header and footer on the Statement of Arrears, this can be set up in User Defaults.
For more information on How do I add headers and footers, click here

Credit arrears

If the arrears are no longer required and removing the outstanding invoice has been agreed, click here for more information on How do I credit note an invoice.

If the arrears are part of an invoice and the balance needs to be credited, click here for more information on How do I credit note a partially receipted tenancy invoice.