Assigning Departments to Branches

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

The steps below outline how to assign a Department to a Branch so you are able to select them when in an Information record.

  1. Click Defaults on the main toolbar
  2. Click User Defaults on the dropdown menu
  3. Click Branch, Dept, Fee Earner
  4. Click on the Assign Depts to Branches tab
  5. If you tick View Agency Default, you will see that all Branches have been assigned to the default Agency Department. This can be unticked once you have completed one assignment
    1. Click on the next available line in Branch Name
    2. Click on the dropdown menu and click the relevant Branch
    3. On your keyboard, press Tab to move to Dept Name
    4. Click on the dropdown menu and click the relevant Department
    5. Repeat these steps until all Departments are assigned

When you next open Assign Depts to Branches, you will see that View Agency Defaults isn't ticked and the Departments appear next to their assigned Branches. To see any outstanding Agency linked items again, tick this box again.

Any Fee Earners will also need to been assigned.
For more information on Assigning Fee Earners to Branch/Departments, click here