How do I end a Tenancy?

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

The steps below outline the process taken when a Tenant gives, or is given notice, and how that's recorded on the Tenancy Information.

You're able to:

  • Enter a Vacating Date on the Tenancy Information
  • Update the Property Availability Status and Date
  • Upload end of tenancy to the TDS
  • Change the Tenancy Status
  • Update invoices for final rent payments
  • Manage your vacating Tenancies from the Organiser
  • Send end of Tenancy letters to the Landlord and Tenants
  • Automatically notify staff when a status changes
  • Complete the deposit refund
  • Archive the Tenancy and Tenants to comply with GDPR legislation

This article includes: 

Add a Tenancy vacating date

If there is someone else in your office who needs to be informed of a tenant vacating, you can set up an automatic email to be sent when a Status is changed.
For more information on Can I notify staff when there is a status change, click here

  1. Double click Tenancies from the side menu
  2. Search for the relevant Tenancy using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
    1. Alternatively, find the Tenancy using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
    2. If searching for an archived record in Only Search Listable Records, select No
    3. Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
  3. Click on the Tenancy
  4. The Tenancy Details tab will display
    1. Vacating Date - Enter the date which the tenant is leaving or which you have given them notice 
    2. A message appears - Do you want to update the property availability date. You have two options:
      1. If you click Yes the following messages appear: The Vacating Date will appear on the Property Information, Available Date
        1. A message then appears - Do you want to change the property status. Click Yes - Select from the Property Status types. If you change the status to Available;
        2. The property will appear on the Property List with an availability date of the vacating date. This can be edited on the Property Information
          For more information on How do I create a list of all my available properties, click here
        3. If you have a data feed, the Property Details will feed to the portals
          For more information on What is a Datafeed, click here
        4. Click OK - The Property Status will now be changed
      2. If you click No, the following messages appear: The Vacating Date won't be updated on the Property Information, Available Date
        1. A message then appears - Do you want to change the property status. Click No - The Property Status change isn't prompted to change
        2. The Availability Date on the Property Information can be edited manually at any time
    3. If the tenants change their vacating date, the Vacating Date can be updated

It is possible to set up an automatic email, to send to other users in the office, when a status change is made.
For more information on Can I notify staff when there is a status change, click here

If you currently don't have a Status of Vacating, additional status types can be added in User Defaults.
For more information on How do I add a new status, click here

Update Tenancy to vacated

Once the tenants have handed back their keys, the Status on the Tenancy Information should be changed to Vacated.

  1. Double click Tenancies from the side menu
  2. Search for the relevant Tenancy using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
    1. Alternatively, find the Tenancy using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
    2. If searching for an archived record in Only Search Listable Records, select No
    3. Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
  3. Click on the Tenancy
  4. Click on Status and select Vacating from the dropdown menu

It is possible to set up an automatic email, to send to other users in the office, when a status change is made.
For more information on Can I notify staff when there is a status change, click here

End a Tenancy with TDS upload

If your agency has the TDS Upload module switched on, there is an additional tab on the Tenancy Information, Deposit Protection which needs completing when making changes to the Vacate Date.
For more information on How do I upload end of tenancy information to the TDS, click here

Update invoices

If a Tenant is vacating, you will need to update their Rent invoice to the final payment.

  1. On the Tenancy Information, click Invoices
  2. Click on the invoice line and edit any details
  3. Click on Per, to change the period to single, if it's the last payment
  4. If you need to remove an invoice, click the black arrow at the end of the line. The invoice will highlight blue, and you can press Delete on your keyboard

When you carry out the Calculate Rents process, if a Tenancy has a Vacating Date entered, you will be notified if the Tenancy has invoices due past their vacate date. Follow the above steps to edit or remove the invoice.

Manage vacating Tenancies

All Tenancies with a Vacating Date, will appear on the Organiser a number of days ahead of the vacating date, depending on the settings in User Defaults.
For more information on How do reminder dates show on the organiser, click here

  1. Click Reporting on the main toolbar
  2. Click Organiser from the dropdown menu
  3. Vacating Dates coming up is listed on the left column. Click View A list of all Tenancies vacating will appear
    • Red - Vacating dates in the past
    • Yellow - Vacating dates due today
    • White - Vacating dates due in the future
    1. Edit the date range using the date fields on top of the displayed list, then click Filter by Date
    2. Click on any header to re order your list
    3. Type in the blue line under the header to search in an column
  4. Click the black arrow on the end of a line, then double click to open the Tenancy Information
  5. To send an email to Tenants:
    1. On your keyboard, hold down Ctrl then click the black arrow of the records to send an email
    2. Right click and select Email Tenancy
    3. A message will appear if any tenants don't have an email address, click OK
    4. The names and email addresses will appear. Untick any you don't want to send a message to
    5. Type your Email Message into the contents 
    6. Send Email Now is ticked
    7. Click Confirm
      If you don't have email set up, click here for more information on How do I set up CFPwinMan to send emails
  6. To send an SMS to Tenants:
    1. On your keyboard, hold down Ctrl then click the black arrow of the records to send an SMS
    2. Right click and select SMS Tenancy
    3. The names and mobile numbers will appear. Untick any you don't want to send a message to
    4. Type your SMS Message into the contents 
    5. Send SMS Now is ticked
    6. Click Confirm
      If you don't have SMS set up, click here for more information on How do I set up and send SMS text messages

Generating letters to Landlords and Tenants

If you write to your Landlords and Tenants when a vacate notice is received, or at any other time during the vacating process, standard vacating templates can be created with merge codes which include the Vacating Date.

  1. First, create your letter template
    For more information on How do I create a letter, click here
  2. Create your new templates in the Letters tab as a tab and a button
    For more information on How do I add a letter template to a quick letter button, click here

Deposit refund

At the end of the tenancy when the refund of deposit needs to be finalised, the process can be managed on the Tenancy Information to pay contractors, reimburse Landlords, or provide a full deposit refund to your tenants.
For more information on How do I refund a deposit with no deductions, click here
For more information on How do I refund a deposit with deductions to landlord or agency, click here

Archive to comply with GDPR

At the end of a Tenancy when all tenants have vacated and the deposit has been finalised, you will need to archive the Tenancy Information and each individual Tenant. This is so you can bulk Anonymise when the records pass the date which they must be retained.
For more information on How do I archive records, click here
For more information on Can I Anonymise or delete records in bulk, click here