Why are Applicants missing from Match & Mail?

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

If you have produced a property list and your applicants aren't matching, only applicants who have GDPR consent for Property Matching selected in their Preference Centre tab will show in the Match & Mail. 

When you upgrade to, all your existing applicants will have Unknown Consent, until you change their preferences, so your Match & Mail may show no matching applicants at all.
For more information on How can I record consent preferences for GDPR, click here

This article includes: 

Include applicants with consent unknown

If you have created an available Property List and not all or any of your applicants are showing, there is a tick box in the Match and Mail where you can Include Consent Unknown.

To generate your Property Listclick here for more information on How do I create a list of all my available properties. 

  1. Click on the white snowman icon to view your applicants
  2. Tick Include Consent Unknown
  3. A message appears, warning the Property List could be sent to applicants without consent. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel
  4. Applicants with Consent Unknown appear greyed out in the list, in this example, Miss F Howie


Create a report of applicants with consent unknown

You can generate a report of all your Applicants. Tenants, Landlords and Contractors with the status of consent unknown.
For more information on How can I report on contact’s consent preferences, click here

User Defaults settings

  1. Click Defaults on the main toolbar
  2. Click User Defaults on the dropdown menu
  3. Click Matching 
  4. Include Consent Unknown - tick to always show applicants with consent unknown (a grey thumbs down in their Preference Centre, GDPR settings)
  5. Click Close