Images in the form of a Photo, Floorplan and Virtual Tours can be added to the Property Information and used for marketing.
You're able to:
- Add a photo image to your property
- Add a Floorplan to your property
- Add a Virtual Tour to your property
- Add one or several images to your brochures
- Add one or several images to a window card
- Upload images to the portals if you have a Datafeed set up
- Upload images to your agency website
A datafeed will upload all photos, floorplans and virtual tours to your chosen portals and agency website. If you would like to arrange a datafeed from CFPwinMan, click here for more information on What is a datafeed.
This article includes:
- Saving the image
- Uploading photos
- Uploading a Floorplan
- Uploading a Virtual Tour
- Adding multiple images at a time
Saving the image
All Property images need to be stored in a specific location for them to be uploaded onto the Property Information, Images tab.
- Images need to be saved in your shared Network drive: \Winman32SQL\Data\SQL
Best practice
Keeping your files organised in the SQL is important. We suggest you add individual sub-folders in the SQL folder for each property, to make it easier to find and replace images at any time
Uploading photos
- Double click Properties from the side menu
- Search for the relevant Property using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
- Alternatively, find the property using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
- Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
- Click on the Property
- Click the Images tab
- The Photos tab will display
- Click Add Photo. Your SQL folder appears
- Select the photo, then double click or click Open for it to appear
- To remove a photo
- Click on an image name in the list, then click Remove Photo
- To reorder the photos on your list
- Click on an image name in the list, then click either Move Up or Move Down
- To Set as Marketing Photo
- Select an image to appear first on brochures, property uploads and photo lists
- Click on an image name in the list, then click Set as Marketing Photo
- The Marketing Photo image name displays under the row of photos
- Click on the Next arrow to view the photos you have uploaded
- Click Previous to return to the first photo
- Double click an image to view on full screen
- Click Add Photo. Your SQL folder appears
- Click the disk icon, Save this record, on the toolbar
Uploading a Floorplan
- Double click Properties from the side menu
- Search for the relevant Property using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
- Alternatively, find the property using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
- Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
- Click on the Property
- Click the Floorplan tab
- Click Add Plan. Your SQL folder appears
- Select the floorplan, then double click or click Open for it to appear
- To remove a floorplan
- Click on the floorplan name from the list, then click Remove Plan
- Double click an floorplan to view on full screen
- Click Add Plan. Your SQL folder appears
- Click the disk icon, Save this record, on the toolbar
Uploading a Virtual Tour
URLs for online virtual tours can be uploaded to your chosen portals or web page.
Before adding the information on to a Property Information record, you need to ensure the tour is hosted at a suitable location online, i.e. one that anyone can access outside of your office and without passwords being required.
When you have the URL for the tour:
- Double click Properties from the side menu
- Search for the relevant Property using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
- Alternatively, find the property using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
- Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
- Click on the Property
- Click the Virtual Tours tab
- In the Online Tours section, click Add Tour
- Type or paste the URL into the top box
- Add a Description of the tour into the bottom box
- Click OK
The Virtual Tour will be uploaded to your web portals via the CFPwinMan Datafeed.
You can only add URL links that begin with http and NOT https. If the link has an 's', you will need to remove it when adding it to the top field
Adding multiple images at a time
Version SDB onward allows you to add multiple images at a time when selecting them from your SQL folder.
- Hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard, then click the images you want to upload
- Alternatively, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard, then click on the first image and a last image to select a consecutive list of images
- Click Open