All outstanding Works Orders can be viewed and the progress managed from the Organiser, including:
- View Works Orders outstanding
- View Works Orders to which Contractors have not yet been allocated
- Filter Works Orders by Rating, Contractor, Preferred Start Date and Property
- Search the list of Works Orders by a single word i.e. 'Quotes' to view all quotes requested
- Complete a Works Order where a quote may not be successful
- Remove a Works Order where the invoice is being paid direct by the Landlord
This article includes:
- Outstanding Works Orders on the Organiser
- Edit a Works Order
- Complete Works Orders
- Invoice paid direct by the Landlord
- Add an invoice
- Create a Works Order report
Outstanding Works Orders on the Organiser
- Click Reporting on the main toolbar
- Click the Organiser from the dropdown menu
- Alternatively, click the folded page icon on the toolbar to open the Organiser
- The Organiser will display. Worksheets will be listed on the left side menu, and the number of Worksheets outstanding is displayed
- Click View to see a full list of outstanding Works Orders
- Group the list by clicking on a heading at the top of each column
- Click on Contractor to sort the list by the Contractor Code
- Click on the Contractor Name to view Unknown Contractors, these are Works Orders where a contractor has not yet been allocated
- Click the Start Date to order by the preferred start date, if entered on the Works Order
- Click Rating to sort by rating, the numbers represent the order they appear in a Works Order
- Search for an item in a column
- Type on the green line, under a column heading i.e. type the word 'Quote'
- Press the Return key on your keyboard
- All Works Orders with the word Quote in the description, will appear in the list
- The grid can be resized to hide columns you don't want to see
- Hover your mouse between two headings, until your cursor changes to a single bar with two arrows
- Click and drag your mouse to move the columns widths or overlap to hide a column
- Use the slider bar at the bottom of the viewed list to see more columns on the right
- At the bottom of the view, you can select to either:
- Preview List - Click to view, use the icons on the preview toolbar to view in a larger scale
- Print List - Click to send the list to your printer
- Best Fit - Click to remove any unnecessary blank space in each column
- Reset Columns - Click to reset the Best Fit to the original view
- Print to Excel - Click to save the list on your computer
- Group the list by clicking on a heading at the top of each column
Edit a Works Order
- Open the Worksheets on your Organiser following steps 1 to 4 above
- Click on the black arrow at the end of the line of the Works Order you want to open
- Double click on the Property Address highlighted to open the Works Order
- All details on the Works Order can be edited
- Unknown Contractor - Click the ... dots to select the Contractor you want to allocate
- Click the disk icon, Save this record, on the toolbar
You can add comments about the progress of a Works Order by editing the Description. Always add the notes after the original description and ensure you add a date and your initials so others can see its progress.
Keep comments brief in case you need to resend the Works Order to your Contractor.
Complete Works Orders
If the work has been completed and you would like to remove the Works Order from the Organiser, you can add a Date Completed.
- Locate the Works Order by following steps 1 to 3 in Edit a Works Order, above
- Date Completed - Select a date at which the works were completed
- Click the disk icon, Save this record, on the toolbar
Invoice paid direct by the Landlord
If the Landlord has requested to either pay the invoice direct or they want to arrange the work themselves, you'll want to remove the Works Order from the Organiser.
- Locate the Works Order by following steps 1 to 3 in Edit a Works Order, above
- Date Completed - Select a date at which the works were completed
- Tick Never Invoice located at the bottom of the Works Order
- Click the disk icon, Save this record, on the toolbar
Add an invoice
Invoices received from your Contractor, relating to a Works Order should be added against the Work Order which it's related to. This makes it much easier to locate and refer to at a later date if needed.
For more information on How do I add a contractor expense, click here
Create a Works Order report
You can create a Worksheets report to list all your Works Orders based on their Status or for a specific property or contractor, including those Outstanding, Completed or Awaiting invoice.
For more information on Can I report on works orders, click here
For Works Orders with no invoice added, you can view a list of works orders which have a Date Completed, which removes them from the Organiser but where the invoice has not yet been added.
For more information on Can I view a list of works orders with no invoice added, click here