Fast Track Receipts

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

The Fast Track Receipts functionality is a quicker way to receipt and update multiple payments at one time. You're able to:

  • Receipt money to outstanding invoices
  • Receipt part payment of an invoice 
  • Receipt money to either Landlord or Agency/Deposit unallocated
  • Allocate previously receipted unallocated money to outstanding invoices  
  • Set Payment type i.e. Standing Order, Cheque etc 
  • Balance Total Money receipted with your bank
  • Search by Tenancy, Tenant, Landlord name or Property address and have entries appear on the Bank Reconciliation
  • Re-order a column to view alphabetical or in order of amount 
  • Configure options to send receipts

 Best practice

We suggest when carrying out the Calculate Rents process to advance the date by a minimum of 7 days. The same date is selected again when prompted to enter a date during the steps to open Fast Track Receipts.

This helps to ensure all payments received, can be allocated to invoices which are due

This article includes: 

Preparation and process

  1. Click on the Cash Register icon on the toolbar
  2. A message will appear advising you to Raise all invoices and Calculate rents, so that all possible invoices which are due, can be receipted in Fast Track Receipts
    1. Raise all invoices - The number of invoices to be raised will be shown
      For more information on How can I view and manage a list of invoices that haven’t yet been raised, click here
    2. Calculate rents - The number of outstanding rents to calculate will be shown
      For more information on How do I calculate rents and what is their meaning, click here
    3. Click Yes if the above steps have been completed or No to cancel
  3. Advance Notice Period - Add the number of days ahead which you want to view invoices due
    1. If you calculated rents to 7 days ahead, enter 7 in Advance Notice Period on Fast Track Receipt 
    2. Leaving the Advance Notice Period as 0 means you will only see invoices due up to and including today
    3. The number of Advance Notice Period days can be set in User Defaults, see Advance Notice Period days below
    4. Click OK
  4. A message appears to enter the correct Receipt Type 
    1. When Fast Track Receipts opens, set the Receipt Type as the Payment method i.e. Standing Order
    2. Click OK
  5. Fast Track Receipts will calculate and display. Enter information on the right side menu
    1. Receipt Type - Select your preferred type from the dropdown menu i.e. Standing Order
    2. Select all Standing Orders - Not required but if clicked, it will tick every item on the list whose Payment type is set to Standing Order. If clicked in error, click again to deselect
    3. Total Received - It's optional as to whether you enter the amount of the total received from your banking
    4. Reference - An automatic reference will be allocated to each receipt
    5. Receipt Date - Edit this to the payment date which corresponds to the date received at the bank
    6. Receipt Branch - If you have multi-branch switched on, select the branch to receipt money
    7. Money Used 
      1. Each time you tick Rec to confirm receipt of money, this figure will increase 
    8. Money Remaining 
      1. If a Total Received amount is entered, each time you tick Rec on the list, this figure will decrease 
      2. If a Total Received amount isn't entered, each time you tick Recthis figure will increase as it doesn't have a balance to calculate what monies are remaining 
    9. B/F Unall Use 
      1. If you tick an Unallocated item on the list, it will apply the unallocated money against outstanding invoices. The balance of unallocated money used will show as a total  
    10. Print / Email Receipt 
      1. Tick if you want to send receipts to all those you select Rec against. They will be sent by the Delivery Option set on each Tenant Information
        For more information on How can I record consent preferences for GDPR, click here
    11. Update
      1. If you entered a Total Received amount, you can click Update when the amount matches the Monies Used and Monies Remaining is zero
      2. If you didn't enter a Total Received, you can click Update by entering the Monies Used amount into the Total Received. The Monies Remaining will be zero.
        If using this method, make sure your receipt entries are correct before you click Update
    12. Print Report - If required
    13. Reset Columns - Each column can be resized to hide columns you don't want to see
      1. Hover the mouse between two headings until your cursor changes to a double arrow
      2. Click and drag your mouse to move the columns widths or overlap them to hide a column
    14. Search bar - This can be used to find a Property address or name
      1. Type the name or part of an address 
      2. Click Search by Name or Search by Address
      3. The search will highlight matched items and bring them to the top of the list. Click c to clear the search
    15. Each Information record that has invoices raised and due will appear in the grid. Click any of the following headings to reorder the list 
      1. Code - The record code for the outstanding invoice
      2. Category - Indicates Information records, L - Landlord, T - Tenant, TY - Tenancy
      3. Name - Corresponding name to the Code and Information record
      4. Outstanding - The total amount of all invoices outstanding for that record
      5. Account Known As - The account which the record is associated
      6. Rec - Abbreviation for Receipt, this is ticked when money is receipted 
      7. Unallocated - Indicates any unallocated money being held on this record
      8. Used - Tick the box to use the unallocated money against outstanding invoices
      9. Received - The total amount of all received money 
      10. Address - The associated Property address for the outstanding invoice

Receipt payments

  1. Use the Search bar to find a record by name or address
    1. Type the name or part of an address
    2. Click Search by Name or Search by Address
    3. The search will highlight matched items and bring them to the top of the list. Click c to clear the search
  2. If the payment amount matches the total outstanding:
    1. Tick Rec on the record line
    2. The Total Received column will show the amount to match the payment
    3. The Total Monies Received will increase to show how much money has been received so far
  3. To use available Unallocated money for outstanding invoices:
    1. Hover over the Unallocated balance to view a list of outstanding invoices
    2. Tick Use on the record line
    3. The Total Received column will remain zero
    4. The B/F Unall Used will increase to show how much unallocated money has been used
  4. If the payment amount is less than the amount outstanding:
    1. Click on to the record which payment has been received
    2. Click the downward arrow on either the name or the address of the record
    3. A summary of the Receipt screen will display, you can either:
      • Allocate the money to an invoice
        1. Enter the amount in the Received column
        2. Click OK - The funds will be available to pay your Landlord
        3. The Rec column will turn yellow
      • Receipt to unallocated
        1. Enter the amount in New LL Unall for payments due to a Landlord
        2. Enter the amount in New Agency Unall for payments to a deposit or fee
        3. Click OK - The funds will remain in unallocated 
        4. The record line will appear dark purple
  5. If the payment is more than the amount outstanding:
    1. Click on to the record which payment has been received
    2. Click the downward arrow on either the name or the address of the record
    3. Tick the IN box to allocate full payment to the outstanding invoices
    4. Enter the balance of overpayment into New LL Unall
    5. Click OK 
    6. The record line will appear dark purple
  6. If you didn't enter an amount in Total Received at the start of this process, check the amount in Monies Received matches the payments at your bank
    1. If correct, enter the same figure into Total Received
    2. If incorrect, check the entries you have made and correct them until the balance matches
  7. Print / Email Receipt 
    1. Tick if you want to send receipts to all those you select Rec against. They will be sent by the Delivery Option set on each Tenant Information
      For more information on How can I record consent preferences for GDPR, click here
  8. Update
    1. If you entered a Total Received amount, you can click Update when the amount matches the Monies Used and Monies Remaining is zero
    2. If you didn't enter a Total Received, you can click Update by entering the Monies Used amount into the Total Received. The Monies Remaining will be zero.
      If using this method, make sure your receipt entries are correct before you click Update
  9. Print Report - If required
  10. Click Update
  11. The Post Receipts process will receipt all payments you selected, against the outstanding invoices
  12. The Fast Track Receipt remaining invoices will display
  13. Click X to close

All receipts will appear as separate entries on the Bank Reconciliation.
For more information on Bank Reconciliation, click here

If you have received a payment and the invoice is not in the list, those payments will need to be receipted outside of Fast Track Receipts on the individual Information record. This is why it is important to Calculate rents and enter an Advance Notice Period, a number of days ahead of today.



  1. If you have noticed an incorrect entry before you clicked Update:
    1. Remove any incorrect entries in the same way which you entered it, i.e. you can click on the tick to remove it, or, you can click on the black arrow of the record and remove the incorrect entry
  2. If you have noticed an incorrect entry after you clicked Update:
    1. To reverse a full payment receipt, click here for more information on How do I automatically reverse a receipt
    2. To reverse a part payment receipt, click here for more information on How do I manually reverse a receipt

Advance Notice Period days


You will need access to User Defaults, to edit your default settings. These can be accessed by those who have the correct permissions

  1. Click Defaults on the main toolbar
  2. Click User Defaults from the dropdown menu
  3. Click Preferences
  4. FTR Name/Address Display defaults are in the centre column
    1. Display Address Before Name - Tick to default
    2. Advance Notice Period - Add the number of days you want to show ahead of the current day
    3. Click Close to save
  5. Click Close