How do I charge a letting fee?

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

The steps below show you how to set up the charging of a Letting commission to your Landlord, to show on their Landlord Payment statement.

  1. Double click Properties from the side menu
  2. Search for the relevant Property using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
    1. Alternatively, find the Property using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
    2. Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
  3. The Property Information will display
    1. Click the Fees tab
    2. The Man / Let Fees tab will display 
      1. In Letting Fee, the details of the Tenancy are added which calculates the total fee due
      2. Bank Account - Select the correct bank account, if required
      3. Rental Amount - Enter the rent amount of the Tenancy
      4. Period - Enter the period of the Tenancy using the dropdown menu
      5. Term - Enter the term of the Tenancy
      6. Total Terms Rent - A calculation based on the details you entered above will be displayed
      7. Lettings Fee Percentage - Enter the percentage figure as agreed with your Landlord
      8. Calculated Letting Fee - A calculation based on the Letting Fee Percentage will be displayed
      9. Fee Type on Letting Fee - Select from the dropdown menu if required
      10. Period -
        • If the Calculated Letting Fee is being charged once, select Single from the dropdown menu
        • If the Calculated Letting Fee is being charged more than once, select the frequency
      11. Next letting fee due Date
        1. Change to the date which you want the charge to appear on the Landlord Payment
        2. If the charge is recurring, it will automatically raise by the frequency you selected
        3. If the date is removed, no charge will be raised
      12. Click the disk icon, Save this record, on the toolbar


If the Letting Fee is not based on a percentage, and instead it is a fixed amount, this can be entered as an Additional Fee.
For more information on How do I charge an additional fee to a landlord, click here