All Properties must be linked to a Landlord so you need to ensure you have added the landlord record first.
For more information on How do I add a new Landlord, click here
The steps below outline how to:
- Add a Property
- Associate the Property with a Property manager
- Add photos and Property descriptions for marketing
- Add reminder dates for safety certificates and other additional reminder dates
- Add management fees
- Add lettings fees
- Enter preferred Contractors requested by your Landlord
- Link the Properties utility supplier
- Link important documents
- Add an inventory of gas and electrical appliances at the Property with any warranty information
- Record buildings and contents insurance
- Split the share of ownership of the Property
- Associate your Property to a specific branch
- Add branch, department and fee earner
- Manage the data feed to each of the portals
Or, watch the video at the bottom of the article.
- Click Properties from the side menu
- Alternatively, click Information on the top toolbar
- Select Properties from the dropdown menu
- Click New, the folded page icon on the toolbar
- Search for the Landlord using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
- Alternatively, find the Landlord using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
- Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
- A blank, new Property Information appears
- Address - Add each line of the address separately
- Postcode - Enter a valid postcode
- Attempt Conversion to BS7666 Format - This only appears if you have the TDS module switched on
For more information on How do I start using my TDS automatic uploads module, click here - Code - The next number will populate. This can be edited now but not after you save this record
- Available Date -
- The date which the property will be available for a new tenancy
- If you have a data feed set up from CFPwinMan, this date appears as the available date on your chosen websites
For more information on What is a datafeed, click here - If you're generating a list of your available properties, an available date will match to your applicants
For more information on How do I create a list of all my available properties, click here
- c - Click c to clear the Available Date
- Date Added - Appears as today's date, edit if required
- Dates 1, 2, 3 and 4 -
- When a date is entered into a date field, a reminder will appear on the Organiser. Each date field can be renamed to other reminders that you want to appear on the Organiser
For more information on How do I add reminder dates to a tenancy or property, click here - Dates entered appear on your Organiser by the number of days ahead as set in your User Default, Organiser Setup
- Status - Click the dropdown menu to change the status
For more information on How do I add a new status, click here
- When a date is entered into a date field, a reminder will appear on the Organiser. Each date field can be renamed to other reminders that you want to appear on the Organiser
- Landlord - Displays the landlord selected. Click their name to open the Landlord Information screen
- Negotiator - Select if required
- Branch, Dept and Fee Earner
- If you have set up Branch, Dept, Fee Earner in User Defaults, select from the dropdown menu
For more information on Setting Branch, Department and Fee Earners on records, click here
- If you have set up Branch, Dept, Fee Earner in User Defaults, select from the dropdown menu
- Click the Details tab - All information added in this tab relates to the marketing of the property
- The rental amount and bedrooms will feed to the portals, if you have a data feed set up
- The Text Criteria - Click on the dropdown menu to select from the list on the left: Area, Type etc, and the list in the middle: Numeric Criteria, Bedrooms, Bathrooms etc. Both lists can be edited in User Defaults
For more information on How do I add or change match criteria on a property, click here - The Property Facilities - The list on the right, Other, can be edited in User Defaults
For more information on How do I add or change match criteria on a property, click here - Asbestos - Tick if required. This will be indicated on a work sheet for your contractor
- Property Manager - Select if required
- Match - Click to match to your potential applicants
For more information on Why are my applicants missing from match and mail, click here
- Click the Images tab
- Photos, Images and Virtual Tours - Any images must be saved in your CFP data path, Winman32, Data, SQL. You can create a folder for each property to store these files
- Click Add Photo and select photos from your computer that you want to add
- Click Move Up and Move Down to reorder
- Set as Marketing Photo - Click on the image file in the list then click Set as Marketing Photo. This will place the photo as the first photo for marketing on brochures and web lists
- To remove an image, click on the image file name and then click Remove Photo
For more information on How do I add an image and virtual tour to a property, click here
- Click the Descriptions tab
- The General tab will be selected. Add your property description in detail
- Select a style of brochure from the Brochure Template dropdown menu
For more information on How can I email a property brochure, click here - Photo x 4 - Photo x 16 - These are shorter descriptions to ensure the descriptions fit when producing a list of properties when there are four different ones on one page
- Advert - If you have a data feed to the portals:
- Public Name will appear as the property address field
- Description - Add if additional text to the above Description is required
- Directions and Remarks - Add if required but they don't feed to the portals
- Internet - If you have a portal feed switched on, you can manage the feed here
- Portal Uploads - This will show a list of portals which the property is uploaded to
For more information on How do I choose which portals my properties upload to using datafeed, click here
- Click the Inventory tab
- Gas Inventory - List all gas items in the property, their model, make, and serial number
- Electric Inventory - List all electric items in the property, their model, make, and serial number
- You might also add any additional warranty information
For more information on How do I add my property inventory, click here
- Click the Fees tab
- Lettings Fee - If you charge a percentage of the monthly rent, based on the term of the tenancy as an upfront fee to your Landlord, complete the details and frequency
For more information on How do I charge a letting fee, click here - Management Fee - In % of Rent, add the amount of commission
For more information on How do I charge a management commission, click here - Fee Schedule - For more information on How do I set up a fee schedule for lettings and management fees, click here
- Additional Fees - For more information on How do I charge an additional fee to a landlord, click here
- Lettings Fee - If you charge a percentage of the monthly rent, based on the term of the tenancy as an upfront fee to your Landlord, complete the details and frequency
- Click the Notes tab
- Enter any notes in these boxes relating to the property
- The headers of notes boxes 2 and 3 can be edited in User Defaults
For more information on How do I edit headers and set reminders of a notes box, click here
- Click the Insurance tab
- You can enter details in both Buildings and Contents fields. If an expiry date is added, a reminder will appear on the Organiser in advance of the date for you to make arrangements for its renewal
- Click the Letters tab
- A letter can be added to a tab and button. This will merge the details of your property and landlord which you can either email or post
For more information on How do I create a letter, click here
- A letter can be added to a tab and button. This will merge the details of your property and landlord which you can either email or post
- Click the Ownership tab
- If your property is owned by more than one landlord or they are registered as living overseas, they can be set up as Shared Ownership
For more information on How do I show that a property is owned by more than one Landlord, click here
- If your property is owned by more than one landlord or they are registered as living overseas, they can be set up as Shared Ownership
- Click the Utilities tab
- You can associate utility suppliers with a property. This can be used if you write to the utility provider on a change over of tenants. First, you will need to add the supplier as a contractor
For more information on How do I add a new Contractor, click here - Click the ... dots next to the utility you wish to add and select the supplier
- Switch Utilities to Preferred Supplier - You can set up default utility companies in User Defaults and set up utility switching with Hallmark
For more information on Hallmark Utility Management, click here
- You can associate utility suppliers with a property. This can be used if you write to the utility provider on a change over of tenants. First, you will need to add the supplier as a contractor
- Click the Works tab
- If you completed the Contractors tab on the Landlord Information, the details display
- If your landlord has a preferred contractor they like to use for this property, follow the steps below:
- Add the Contractor
For more information on How do I add a new Contractor, click here - Click the ... dots to search for and select the Contractor you added
- Add a Note to describe their work i.e. handyman work only
- Click Add
- Add the Contractor
- Property Contractor Notes - Add any notes associated to this property, i.e. British Gas Contractor, Fridge freezer warranty till 2030, maximum spend. Always provide three quotes
- Click the Keys tab
- This will only display if you have purchased the Key Module
For more information on The key module setup, click here
- This will only display if you have purchased the Key Module
- Click the Mobile Agent tab
- If you use Mobile Agent, also known as Plan Up, to take photos and create your property description and floor plans, the information can be imported using the function buttons
- Click the Links tab
- Documents saved on your computer can be linked to your Property, such as Gas Safety Certificates and other compliance certificates
For more information on How can I link a document to a record, click here
- Documents saved on your computer can be linked to your Property, such as Gas Safety Certificates and other compliance certificates
- Click the User Definable Dates tab
- You can add additional dates as reminders on a property. These could be for a boiler service to be carried out annually or chimney sweep etc
For more information on How do I add additional dates, click here
- You can add additional dates as reminders on a property. These could be for a boiler service to be carried out annually or chimney sweep etc
- Click the EPC tab
- You can create an EPC chart by adding the numbers of the chart into the corresponding fields
For more information on Where can I add EPC charts and documents, click here
- You can create an EPC chart by adding the numbers of the chart into the corresponding fields
- Click the Branches tab
- If you have Multi Office switched on, select the Branches which will be associated to this landlord