Reconcile Balances Report

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

The Reconcile Balances Report shows the following information:

  • A breakdown of the total client account figure into its constituent cash balances/ledgers
  • Shows balances held in deposit accounts as well as the main client account
  • Only reflects cash, and doesn't reflect what is owed by tenants
  • Is only available for the current day and cannot be backdated
  • Any and all cash postings will update Reconcile Balances immediately
  • Can be produced in Summary or Full Detail
  • It's the most important report to print off at month end


If you have generated a Reconcile Balances Report and a red cross appears, this indicates CFPwinMan is not in balance. If so, you should contact Support urgently. Click Submit a request below and complete the contact form

This article includes: 

Generate the report

  1. Click Reporting on the main toolbar
  2. Click Reconcile Balances Report from the dropdown menu
    1. Reconcile Balance will display All Accounts
    2. Choose Account - Use the ... dots to search for an individual Account
    3. Click Calculate
    4. The Client Account balance is based on postings to date
    5. The Cash column shows summarised balances of monies held
      • Landlord Monies  – Total cash for clients including unallocated landlord funds
      • Contractor Monies – Total cash for contractors
      • Tenant monies deposits – Total of deposits within client account
      • Tenant monies unallocated – Total agency/deposit unallocated funds
      • NRL Tax–Total – Total cash overseas tax within client account
      • Agency Fees-Total – Total agency fees remaining in client account
    6. The Ledger column shows the amount held on the cash account, less outstanding invoices / charges that are yet to be paid
      • For example, if there is £500 cash on a Landlord account, but there is a £100 contractor invoice that has been posted and not yet paid, the Ledger column will show a figure of £400
    7. A green tick indicates the system is in balance with itself. A red cross indicates it isn't in balance. If so, you should contact Support urgently. Click Submit a request below and complete the contact form
    8. Other bank accounts such as a Deposit Account will be listed, if applicable
    9. Print Summary - Prints the information as displayed
    10. Print Detail - Prints the summary with details of Landlord Balances
    11. View Full Detail - Displays the details of every balance in the summary
    12. Print Full Detail - Prints the details of every balance in the summary
      • This an excellent snapshot of individual balances that make up your Client account balance at the time of running the report which can later be viewed in View Filed Copes
    13. View Filed Copies - Each time you produce a Reconcile Balance Report, a copy will be saved
    14. The remaining tick boxes can be selected, if required
    15. Click Close


Reconcile Balance characteristics

  • A rent receipt posted in the future will be reflected in the balance for a landlord on Reconcile Balances but will not show on the current days landlords statement
  • It cannot be tricked by changing the date of your computer back to the last month end, the Reconcile Balances Report will still reflect all transactions posted
  • For a definitive month end analysis, print it before posting anything in the new month
  • Any corrections that need to be made this month for transactions last month i.e. after last months printed Reconcile Balances and Bank Reconciliation, should not be backdated to last month

 Best practice

It's recommended the Full Detail Reconcile Balances Report is printed every month and stored with all other month end reports