How can I request payment for outstanding items on a Landlord Payment?

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

If there is not enough income on a Landlord Payment to cover all the expenses or fees, you can request payment from your Landlord for the outstanding balance

The request for payment adds a detailed description of the outstanding items, with a balance of the amount owing.

This article includes: 

Request for payment

  1. Double click Landlords from the side menu
  2. Search for the relevant Landlord using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
    1. Alternatively, find the Landlord using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
    2. If searching for an archived record in Only Search Listable Records, select No
    3. Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
  3. Click on the Landlord
  4. Click Payment
    1. Untick the items you want to request for payment from your Landlord
    2. A message displays warning Insufficient funds items will be carried forward
    3. Tick Request Payment for Outstanding Items
    4. The selected items will be listed at the end of the Landlord Payment. 
      These amounts are due - please make payment to us by return
    5. Click Preview to view the above note
    6. Send Options - Click the preferred option to send to your Landlord
    7. Click Update
    8. A message displays warning you have chosen to delay payment and the total of the amount being paid. Click Yes, if you want to continue or No to cancel
    9. A message displays asking if you are sure you want to update. Click Yes, if agreed or No to cancel

The outstanding items will be carried forward, ready to be deducted from the following months income.

A miscellaneous invoice is automatically raised on the Landlord Information, ready for their payment.



You can repeat the steps above to continue sending a Request payment for outstanding items to your Landlord.

Receipt Landlord Payment

Once the statement is updated, a miscellaneous invoice is automatically raised ready for you to receipt against when the Landlord pays.
For more information on How do I receipt monies from a Landlord, click here