The steps below show you how you can create a Paragraph 1, Schedule 23 to the Finance Act 2011 Report to send to HMRC.
The report can be generated to include all overseas NRL Landlords and exported to .csv.
This article includes:
Generating the report
- Click Reporting on the main toolbar
- Click Taxes/NRL from the dropdown menu
- Click Tax Reports from the dropdown
- Date Range will be selected, you can edit these if required
- Click View or Print
- Click Create Schedule 23 Report to get a Word document style report
- Tick Create Type ROPL-01 Export to generate a file to send to HMRC. Then, select a location to save an Excel import file
- The schedule 23 report from CFPwinMan has to be copied (excluding the top row) then pasted as Values into the ROPL template, downloadable from the HMRC website. The correct template can be found by searching on ROPL and HMRC
- Any red boxes indicate errors which must be cleared
- The file must be renamed according to the name given to you
- The file is then returned by email to HMRC
- Tick Include NRL Landlords. This will include NRL Landlords on your report
- Click X to close
At step 3.4, the file will be saved as a .csv. HMRC like the file submitted on their template which can be found online if they haven't sent it to you. We recommend opening up the .csv saved on your computer, then copying and pasting the information into the HMRC template
Copy and paste the HMRC template
- Open the .csv file
- Highlight just the cells containing data from line 2. Right click and select Copy
- On the HMRC template, right click into the first cell on line 3 and click Paste Special
- Select Values and click OK. This will paste the information into the spreadsheet
- Save it with the filename requested by HMRC, before sending it to the HMRC