How do I reverse a Landlord Payment?

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

The steps below show you how you can reverse a Landlord Payment, if the statement has been updated in error.

There are two types of reversal:

  • Automated reversal
    • This automated process will reverse the last statement that was produced providing the AutoBanking report has not been updated and the Landlord is not overseas or of shared ownership
  • Manual reversal
    • If you have updated the AutoBanking report, the Landlord is recorded as overseas for NRL or the Property is of shared ownership. These Landlord Payments can only be reversed manually 

 Best practice

Before reversing a Landlord Payment, we would recommend that you have an up to date CFPwinMan back up

This article includes: 

Automated reversal

  1. Click Miscellaneous on the main toolbar
  2. Click Landlord Statement Reversal from the dropdown menu
  3. Statement Reversal will display. Click the ... to search for the Landlord whose statement you want to reverse
  4. Search for the relevant Landlord using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
    1. Alternatively, find the Landlord using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
    2. Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
  5. Click on the Landlord
    1. If a message appears stating that there are no statements to reverse or the Landlord is overseas, go to the Manual reversal process below
    2. If there is a statement available to reverse, the Landlords details and the date of their last statement will appear
  6. Double click the line of the statement to reverse
    1. Ensure you answer the series of messages as they appear, click either Yes, No or Cancel
    2. Click OK if you have an up to date backup, as suggested in the message
    3. Click Yes if you are sure the statement described is the one which you want to reverse
    4. Click Yes if you want to proceed with reversing this statement
    5. A print confirmation will appear. Click Yes if the reversal note has printed correctly 
    6. Click OK

A record of the Landlord Payment reversal will appear in the corresponding Landlords History Log with an entry of Reversed Landlord Statement.

If you go to pay your Landlord, you will see the transactions on the reversed statement appear. 

Manual reversal

If you have received a message at step 6.1 above, similar to that pictured below, the Landlord Payment can only be reversed manually.

Each entry on the Landlord Payment you want to reverse will need to be entered with negative entries.
For example, if a Landlord was paid £600, all the entries on the reversed statement must come to -£600 to reverse the payment.

 Best practice

Take a screenshot of the account transactions or statement, then post all the negative entries as a guide.
When you go to update, you will be asked a question about creating a negative payment or retaining a NIL balance. Click No to the message about paying 0 and force the negative payment through.
Make sure the Payment Type is correct.
Then, click Yes to the second question about are you sure you want to update.
By looking at the account transaction, you should now be able to see the reversed payment