Why can’t I Anonymise a record?

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

The steps below provide you with information on why you aren't able to Anonymise an Information record. This applies to Landlords, Applicants/Tenants, Contractors and Guarantors, to comply with GDPR legislation.

It isn't possible to Anonymise a record, when the Anonymise icon on the toolbar appears inactive, greyed out, or missing. This may be due to your Password Security settings or the Status of your contact.

This article includes: 


There are several reasons why you might not be able to Anonymise a record:

  • Each Tenant is individually Anonymised from Tenant Information
  • Records must be a Status of Archived
    For more information on How do I archive records, click here
    • Landlords and Contractors need to be archived before they can be Anonymised
    • Applicants/Tenants can be a Status of Archived or Expired
    • Guarantors use the Applicant/Tenant Status
  • Records cannot be Anonymised if there are Accounts transactions within the past 7 years 
  • The user must have the relevant Security clearance in their Password settings

Accounts User Defaults


You will need access to User Defaults, to edit your default settings. These can be accessed by those who have the correct permissions

To maintain the integrity of the database, Accounts information cannot be deleted within the past 7 years. This range can be changed in User Defaults.

  1. Click Defaults on the main toolbar
  2. Click User Defaults on the dropdown menu
  3. Click Anonymisation
  4. Edit the number of years
  5. Click OK

Password Security

  1. Click Defaults on the main toolbar
  2. Click User Defaults on the dropdown menu
  3. Click Passwords
    1. Click the person who requires access to GDPR Anonymisation
    2. Click the Security tab
    3. Tick Inc
    4. Click Save and Exit
  4. Click Close
  5. Click Close again


At any time after the 7 day period, you can Relocate Redundant Files for your Anonymised records. Any physical files, e.g. Invoices, Receipts, Statements and linked documents relating to Anonymised records, will be moved from the main CFPwinMan data path to a folder named Relocated Files.
For more information on Recovering and relocating redundant files for Anonymised records, click here