The steps below provide you with information on how to Anonymise Information records to comply with GDPR legislation. This applies to Landlords, Applicants/Tenants, Contractors and Guarantors.
Anonymising a record will strip all the contact information from it, as pictured below. To maintain the integrity of the database, Accounts information cannot be deleted.
This article includes:
Criteria to Anonymise
The Anonymise icon on the toolbar will only be active if the following criteria are met.
For more information on Why can't I Anonymise a record, click here
- There must not be any accounts within the past 7 years; this can be changed in User Defaults
- Records must have a Status of Archived
For more information on How to archive records, click here- Landlords and Contractors need to be archived before they can be Anonymised
- Applicants/Tenants can be a Status of Archived or Expired
- Guarantors use the Applicant/Tenant Status
- The user must have the relevant security clearance in their Password settings
Anonymise a contact
- Click on the Anonymise icon
- A Warning message will appear prompting you to confirm
- This means a backup of the information is taken and can be recovered within 7 days if required
- After 7 days it will be PERMANENTLY deleted and there will be no way to retrieve it
- Click Yes to confirm
When a record is Anonymised, all information is retracted.
The Anonymise icon on the toolbar will enable you to delete the Information record, providing you have the required permissions in your Password Security.
The Anonymised record will be recorded in the History Log showing the event details.
At any time after the 7 day period, you can Relocate Redundant Files for your Anonymised records. Any physical files, e.g. Invoices, Receipts, Statements and linked documents relating to Anonymised records, will be moved from the main CFPwinMan data path to a folder named Relocated Files.
For more information on Recovering and relocating redundant files for Anonymised records, click here
Once records have been Anonymised, there is no way to clear any outstanding balances. Therefore, we recommend you check the Reconcile Balances Report before you Anonymise a contact
For more information on the Reconcile Balances Report, click here
Anonymisation Defaults
You will need access to User Defaults, to edit your default settings. These can be accessed by those who have the correct permissions
To maintain the integrity of the database, Accounts information cannot be deleted within the past 7 years. This range can be changed in User Defaults.
- Click Defaults on the main toolbar
- Click User Defaults on the dropdown menu
- Click Anonymisation
- Edit the number of years
- Click OK