How do I set up CFPwinMan to send emails?

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

The steps below show you where you can set up your default email provider to send email messages through CFPwinMan.

This article includes: 


As each computer could have a different email program installed, you need to set the email defaults for each user’s login to the computer they work on

This is not a global one-size-fits-all default setting, you may need assistance from your IT company if you are unsure of any of the information

Set up your email provider and preferences


You will need access to User Defaults, to edit your default settings. These can be accessed by those who have the correct permissions

  1. Click Defaults on the main toolbar
  2. Click User Defaults from the dropdown menu
  3. Click Preferences
  4. Click Email/SMS Defaults
  5. The SMS/Email Defaults displays. In Email Settings:
    1. Email Interface
      1. Set to Outlook Direct for Microsoft Outlook
      2. Set to MAPI Email Clients for any other email program
      3. If your Outlook product is the 64 bit version, ensure that you tick 64 bit
    2. Use Signature
      1. If you have an email signature outside of CFPwinMan when sending emails via Microsoft Outlook, tick this box and your signature should show on emails sent via CFPwinMan
      2. If this doesn’t work, you can click on the ... dots to browse for the location of your email signature and add it here. (This functionality is only configured to work with Microsoft Outlook)
    3. Send Now Ticked?
      1. Tick if you want to send email messages straight away when Send Option Email is clicked
      2. If it's Unticked, you will need to go to Miscellaneous, Transmit Messages, when you want to send them. They will then all be sent at the same time
    4. Auto Update History Log With Emails?
      1. Tick if you want sent emails to save in the History Log of the corresponding record by default. (This functionality is only configured to work with Microsoft Outlook)
    5. Disable Outlook Security
      1. Tick if you are using Microsoft Outlook as it can override the security settings and ensure that Outlook doesn’t block Emails being sent
  6. Click X to close and save
  7. Click Close
  8. Click Close again

Email programs that integrate with CFPwinMan

Email integration can only be used with desktop based email clients, installed on their local machine, or on the individual user’s Terminal Server.

This means that you cannot use CFPwinMan with web-based email providers such as Gmail, Hotmail, Office 365, etc.

We recommend Microsoft Outlook as this is configured to work with CFPwinMan, but it can also work with other desktop based email clients, though the full functionality, including Auto Update History Log With Emails, is only compatible with Microsoft Outlook.

Set up contacts to email

On each Applicant/Tenant, Landlord, Contractor, Guarantor and Tenancy Information record, there is a designated tab to the Preference Centre.

  1. Search for the relevant record
  2. Click the Preference Centre tab
  3. In Delivery Type:
    1. Tick Email
    2. Untick Print
  4. Click the disk icon, Save this record on the toolbar

Automatic default messages

There are a number of automatic default email messages already set up in User Defaults.

  • Email message for invoices
  • Email message for for refunds
  • Email message for receipts
  • Email message for arrears letters
  • Email message for landlord payments
  • Email message for contractor payments
  • Email message for works orders
  • Email message for matches
  • Email message for matches single property
  • Email message for reports

These can be edited ad hoc as the email is being sent, or, the default message can be changed permanently in the default settings.
For more information on How do I change the default email and SMS messages, click here

Send SMS text messages

If you would like to send SMS text messages through CFPwinMan, click here for more information on How do I set up and send SMS text messages