How do I set up a fee schedule for lettings and management fees?

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

The steps below show you how to set up a Fee Schedule for a Lettings Fee or Management Fee so the fee will automatically increase or decrease on a specified date.

This article includes: 

Create Fee Schedule

  1. Double click Properties from the side menu
  2. Search for the relevant Property using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
    1. Alternatively, find the Property using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
    2. Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
  3. Click the Property 
  4. Click the Fees tab
  5. The Man/Let Fees tab will be selected. The Fees Schedule appears on the right side
  6. Click Create Fee Schedule
  7. The Fee Schedule will display two sections, Letting Fee and Management Fee
    1. Date - Enter the date which the fee is due to change
    2. Percentage - Enter the new percentage 
    3. Information - Enter a description or reason for the change
    4. Repeat these steps to add more than one change of fee 
    5. Show Changes Scheduled for Past Dates - tick if required
  8. Click Save and Exit


Apply Fee Changes

  1. Click Miscellaneous from the main toolbar
  2. Click Apply Fee Changes from the dropdown menu
    1. The default will show all fee changes in the grid within the Date Range
    2. Date Range - Change the dates to show a different period
    3. Locate Property - Click the ... to select one specific property
    4. Click Reset Filters to clear the property search and reset the Date Range
    5. Click Apply Changes up to.. to apply the change to any fees listed, prior to and including today
    6. Tick Automatically Apply Fee Changes if you wish changes to be made automatically. The changes will be applied daily
    7. Historic Changes - Select if you want to see any that were due in the past
  3. Click Close


If you tick Automatically Apply Fee Changes, any scheduled fees will be applied automatically, without any further message reminders