The steps below show you how to set up a Fee Schedule for a Lettings Fee or Management Fee so the fee will automatically increase or decrease on a specified date.
This article includes:
Create Fee Schedule
- Double click Properties from the side menu
- Search for the relevant Property using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
- Alternatively, find the Property using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
- Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
- Click the Property
- Click the Fees tab
- The Man/Let Fees tab will be selected. The Fees Schedule appears on the right side
- Click Create Fee Schedule
- The Fee Schedule will display two sections, Letting Fee and Management Fee
- Date - Enter the date which the fee is due to change
- Percentage - Enter the new percentage
- Information - Enter a description or reason for the change
- Repeat these steps to add more than one change of fee
- Show Changes Scheduled for Past Dates - tick if required
- Click Save and Exit
Apply Fee Changes
- Click Miscellaneous from the main toolbar
- Click Apply Fee Changes from the dropdown menu
- The default will show all fee changes in the grid within the Date Range
- Date Range - Change the dates to show a different period
- Locate Property - Click the ... to select one specific property
- Click Reset Filters to clear the property search and reset the Date Range
- Click Apply Changes up to.. to apply the change to any fees listed, prior to and including today
- Tick Automatically Apply Fee Changes if you wish changes to be made automatically. The changes will be applied daily
- Historic Changes - Select if you want to see any that were due in the past
- Click Close
If you tick Automatically Apply Fee Changes, any scheduled fees will be applied automatically, without any further message reminders