How do I add an initial invoice?

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

The steps below show you how to add an initial invoice, which is created at the start of a Tenancy to produce an invoice for the deposit, first months rent and ongoing rent charges.

Before you start, ensure you have created the Tenancy Information with all the correct Tenancy Details.
For more information on How do I create a tenancy, click here

This article includes: 

Apportioned rent invoice

If your agency apportions their rent to a set day in the month, or if your Tenant has asked to pay on a different day to that on the Tenancy agreement, you will need to correct the Tenancy Information so your apportioned rent is calculated correctly.

  1. Double click Tenancies from the side menu
  2. Search for the relevant Tenancy using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
    1. Alternatively, find the Tenancy using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
    2. Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
  3. Select the Tenancy
  4. The Tenancy Information will display and the Tenancy Details tab is already selected
  5. Tenancy Start Date - Remains as the date it appears on the Tenancy agreement
  6. First Full Rent Due - Edit this to the date which the Tenants will pay their second and ongoing rent
  7. Apportioned - Tick Apportioned
  8. Click the disk icon, Save this record, on the toolbar

When you click Add Initial Invoice, an apportioned rent invoice will be produced, along with the first and additional rent invoices and deposit invoice, as detailed further in the steps below.

Add initial invoice

  1. Double click Tenancies from the side menu
  2. Search for the relevant Tenancy using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
    1. Alternatively, find the Tenancy using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
    2. Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
  3. Select the Tenancy
  4. The Tenancy Details tab will display
    1. Check all dates and amounts are correct as the invoice will base the information from these fields to produce the initial invoice
  5. Click Add Initial Invoice
  6. The Tenancy Invoice will display with three invoices in the grid
    1. Deposit - For the payment of deposit as either Held or to Landlord
      1. Deposit Held - If you are registering the deposit on behalf of your Landlord
      2. Deposit to Landlord - If the Landlord is holding the deposit
        For more information on How do I receipt a deposit to be paid to a landlord, click here
    2. Rent - A single rent charge is created for the FIRST months rent
      1. Description - The start and end date of the first rent period
      2. Per - Single charge
      3. Calc - Unticked
      4. S/O - This will only appear for those agents using the Standing Order Module
    3. Rent - A reoccurring invoice for the second and ongoing rent, based on the payment terms i.e. monthly, weekly, annually etc
      1. Description - The start and end date of the second rent period. This will update automatically to each date period when it is due
      2. Per - M = Same day of each month, W = Weekly, Y = Yearly etc
      3. Calc - ALWAYS leave this ticked as it's how CFPwinMan can automatically calculate rents when they are due
        For more information on How do I calculate rents and what is their meaning, click here
      4. S/O - This will only appear for those agents using the Standing Order module
    4. Rent - If this tenancy has an apportioned rent
      1. Description - The start and end date of the apportioned rent period
      2. Per - Single charge
      3. Calc - Unticked
      4. S/O - This will only appear for those agents using the Standing Order Module
  7. In addition to the above columns, each invoice will also display
    1. Date - The date which the invoice is due. This should NOT be changed
    2. Item - The Item name for the invoice i.e. Deposit or Rent
    3. Description - The rent period which the rent invoice is due
    4. Amount - Enter the amount
    5. Click Preview - To view a copy of the invoice
    6. Send Options - Tick to send a copy of the raised invoice to your Tenant
    7. Update - Invoices can only be updated when the invoice is due, then it is highlighted in yellow. If your invoice is not due and you want to update it, you can do the following;
      1. Trans Up To - Change the date to the date of the invoice you want to update. The invoice line will highlight yellow
    8. Click Update
    9. Click Close

A copy of the invoice will be saved in the History Log and ready to receipt when you click the Receipt button.
