How do I add a Contractor expense?

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

The steps below show you how you can add a Contractors invoice to a Property for deduction from the Landlord, or a Tenancy for deduction from their deposit. These options will enable you to pay a Contractor once money is available.

There are two ways to add an invoice to a Property or Tenancy, both ways are outlined below.


When adding a Contractor reference number (Ref), you must avoid using characters such as  \ / : * ? " < > |, as these will prevent the files from saving. Only use text and numeric characters from the invoice

Post an expense from the Contractor Information

  1. Double click Contractors from the side menu
  2. Search for the relevant Contractor using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
    1. Alternatively, find the Contractor using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
    2. Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
  3. Select the Contractor
  4. Click Post Property Expense
  5. Search for the relevant Property using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
    1. Alternatively, find the Property using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
    2. Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
  6. Select the Property
  7. The Post Property Expense will display
    1. Date - Add the date of the invoice or todays date
    2. Ref - Add the invoice number if available
    3. Item - Select an item category from the dropdown menu
      For more information on How can I add new expense types for contractor invoices, click here
    4. Tax Category - This will automatically be allocated but can be changed using the dropdown menu
    5. Description - Type in the details of the invoice
    6. Amount - Add the amount of the deduction
    7. VAT - Add a breakdown of the invoice, if required
    8. Per - If this is a recurring expense, add the frequency
      For more information on How do I add and manage a recurring contractor expense, click here
    9. Click Update Expense
  8. Click Close

The invoice will show on the Landlord Payment ready to be deducted when Landlord income is received.

If you want to provide a copy of the invoice to your Landlord, the invoice can be scanned and attached to the expense.
For more information on how to Scan and attach contractor invoices, click here

If you want to charge an invoice to a Tenancy deposit, you can do so.
For more information on How do I refund a deposit with deductions for a contractor, click here

Post an expense from a works order

If a works order has been created:

  1. Double click Properties from the side menu
  2. Search for the relevant Property using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
    1. Alternatively, find the Property using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
    2. Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
  3. Select the Property
  4. Click Works on the tab
  5. Click View Existing Property Works Orders
  6. The most recent works order will display. Click the left black arrow until you reach the works order which to add the invoice to
    1. Billing Name - Select if it's the Landlord or Tenant who will be paying the invoice
    2. Date Completed - Change to todays date 
    3. In the heading Contractor Invoice, complete the invoice details
      1. Account - Defaults to the main client account, use the dropdown arrow if required
      2. Date - Add the date of the invoice or todays date
      3. Ref - Add the invoice number if available
      4. Item - Select a category from the dropdown menu
        For more information on How can I add new expense types for contractor invoices, click here
      5. Tax Category - This will automatically be allocated but can be changed using the dropdown menu
      6. Description - Type in the details of the invoice
      7. Amount - Add the amount of the deduction
      8. VAT - Add a breakdown of the invoice, if required
      9. Click the disk icon, Save this record, on the toolbar
      10. Click Post Expense - If the Landlord was selected at Billing Name
      11. Click Update Deposit - If the Tenant was selected at Billing Name
      12. Click OK to confirm the expense was posted correctly

The invoice will show on the Landlord Payment ready to be deducted when Landlord income is received or ready to deduct from the deposit if Tenancy was selected at Billing Name.

If you want to provide a copy of the invoice to your Landlord, the invoice can be scanned and attached to the expense.
For more information on how to Scan and attach contractor invoices, click here