The steps below show how to receipt money on to any Tenancy, Applicant/Tenant, Landlord or Contractor.
Money receipted can either be allocated to an invoice or receipted as unallocated money, then allocated when an invoice is available.
This article includes:
- Receipt to an outstanding invoice
- Receipt part of an outstanding invoice
- Receipt unallocated money
- Set clearance days for receipt types
Receipt to an outstanding invoice
As mentioned above, a receipt can be entered into either a Tenancy, Applicant/Tenant, Landlord or Contractor. In this example, we will use a Tenancy.
- Double click Tenancies from the side menu
- Search for the relevant Tenancy using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
- Alternatively, find the Tenancy using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
- Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
- Select the Tenancy
- Click Receipt
- Receipt Date - Edit this to the correct date which corresponds to the date on your bank statement
Type - Edit this to the correct option from the dropdown menu i.e. Internet
For more information on Can I set receipt and payment types as a default on records, click here - Total Outstanding - A total of all invoices appearing in the grid
- Bank Account - The default bank account is set on each Property, this can be changed if required
- Receipt Branch - Select a different branch, if required
- Receipt Ref - The next consecutive receipt will be applied or you can edit it, if required
- Amount Received - Enter the amount received
- Inc - A tick will appear against the receipt if only one invoice is in the grid. You can however tick Inc on a specific invoice to apply it
- Send Options - Untick to send, unless you want to send a copy to your Landlord
- Click Update
- Click Close
A copy of the receipt will be saved to the History Log.
When receipting money on the Landlord Information, the receipt Payment Type defaults to Cheque. Ensure you change this to the correct payment method before you click Update
Receipt part of an outstanding invoice
- Follow steps 1 to 4.6 of Receipt to an outstanding invoice
- Amount Received - Enter the amount you have received
- Remainder to Assign - Indicates the amount entered above
- In the Received column of the grid, enter the amount next to the corresponding invoice. Then, press Tab on your keyboard
- Amount Allocated - This is updated with the amount in the Received column
- Send Options - Untick to send, unless you want to send a copy to your Landlord
- Click Update
- Click Close
A copy of the receipt will be saved to the History Log.
Receipt unallocated money
If you have received payment but there are no outstanding invoices, you can receipt the money as unallocated. There are two types of unallocated money:
- Monies for Landlord - Money entered here will be payable to the Landlord and will appear on their statement when the appropriate invoice has been raised
- Agency fee or Deposit held - Money entered here will be payable to the agency or deposit money when the appropriate invoice has been raised
- Follow steps 1 to 4.6 of Receipt to an outstanding invoice
- Amount Received - Enter the amount you have received
- Remainder to Assign - Indicates the amount entered above
Receipt Unallocated Money at the bottom of the screen has fields for both types of unallocated money:
- Monies for Landlord
- Agency fee or deposit held
- Description - The default wording can be overtyped and edited if required
- Send Options - Untick to send, unless you want to send a copy to your Landlord
- Click Update
- Click Close
A copy of the receipt will be saved to the History Log.
The unallocated amount will be recorded in the centre of the Receipt screen and can be allocated to an invoice at a later date by clicking in the box next to the amount.
If the unallocated money was receipted in to the incorrect type of unallocated, it can be moved by clicking the arrow button next to the amount.
Set clearance days for receipt types
It's possible to set a number of clearance days for different receipt types, so when money is receipted such as a cheque, a certain number of days need to pass before the Landlord can be paid.
For more information on How do I change the clearance period for different receipt types, click here