How do I refund a deposit with deductions to a Landlord or agency?

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

At the end of the Tenancy, you can make deductions from the deposit to pay a Landlord, a Contractor or retain it as agency fees if applicable, under the Tenant Fees Act 2019.

If the deposit money is registered with an insured deposit scheme and held in another bank account, these monies will first need to be transferred back in to your client account before they can be processed in your CFPwinMan. 

The transfer is replicated in CFPwinMan to appear back on the Tenancy/Tenant Deposit Refund.
For more information on How do I transfer money between bank accounts, click here

There are 2 ways to make deductions from the deposit: By raising invoices in Deposit Refund or by raising an invoice on the Tenancy.

This article contains:

Raise invoices in Deposit Refunds 

  1. Click Tenancies from the side menu
  2. Search for the relevant Tenancy using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
    1. Alternatively, find the Tenancy using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
    2. Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
  3. Select the Tenancy
  4. Click Deposit Refunds
    1. If you transfer funds from another account and you haven't yet moved the money, first click Transfer to move the money back to your client account so the Deposit Available shows the total Deposit held
      For more information on How do I transfer money between bank accounts, click here
    2. Item - Select from the dropdown menu where the money is due
      1. Sundry is payable to the Landlord
      2. Admin fee will be payable to Agency
      3. EXP is payable to a Contractor. Note step 6 where a code must be selected
    3. Description - Type in the details of the invoice
    4. Amount - Add the amount of the deduction
    5. VAT - Add a breakdown of the invoice, if required
    6. CCODE - If your item starts with EXP (e.g. EXP cleaning) you must select a Contractor whose invoice is to be paid. If you don't select a Contractor, the payment will be logged to an unknown Contractor and will not show on the Pay Contractor view
  5. Click View Outstanding Invoices to show all invoices outstanding on the Receipt screen
    1. Tick Deduct against those you want to include in the deposit deductions
    2. Click Return to deposit refund 
  6. Click Scan/Attach Contractor Invoice if required
    For more information on how to Scan and attach contractor invoices, click here
  7. If you need to retain some deposit for a late invoice, reduce the figure in the Balance to refund by that sum of the expected charge. The retained money will remain in the Deposit Refund 
  8. Click Preview to check and view your entries
  9. Click Update



Deposit to LL is only to be used when the Landlord holds the Tenants deposit and is going to refund it to them at the end of the term. This is not for deductions and dilapidation

Raise an invoice on the Tenancy

  1. Double click Tenancies from the side menu
  2. Search for the relevant Tenancy using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
    1. Alternatively, find the Tenancy using Additional Options from the dropdown menu
    2. Or select a Branch if multi branch is set up on your CFPwinMan
  3. Select the Tenancy
  4. Click Invoice
    1. Click on a new line and select todays date
    2. Item - Select from the dropdown menu of where the money is due, i.e. Sundry is payable to the Landlord, Admin fee will be payable to the Agency
    3. Add a Description
    4. Add an Amount
  5. Click Update
  6. Click Yes - Do you want to update now
  7. Click Receipt
    1. To use the deposit to pay this invoice, tick Cash Adj adjacent to the Tenancy name. A tick box will appear on the invoice line in the expense grid 
    2. A new field will also appear stating total deposit held
    3. Tick the grey Inc tick box on the invoice line
    4. Click Adjust Cash
    5. A message will ask you to confirm to use the deposit to pay the invoice. A second message will prompt you to raise an invoice to the Tenant for this amount to pay back towards the deposit amount. Click No as the Tenancy has ended
  8. The invoices will disappear from the grid when paid
  9. Click Close the receipt screen


  • The remainder of the deposit can be refunded through the Deposit Refunds screen
  • If the invoice Item was for Sundry, the credit will appear on the Landlords statement
  • If the invoice Item was for an Admin Fee, the credit will appear on the Agency fees report to update
  • The transaction will be visible on the Account and Deposit Account for this Tenancy
