CFPwinMan uses its own word processor to create and produce letters.
We have provided information on what format and height, width and pixel size, the header and footers should be, to suit the layout of any document produced in CFPwinMan.
You will need access to User Defaults to add headers and footers. These can be accessed by those who have the correct permissions
The headers and footers should be created and set as 300dpi RGB and saved preferably as a .jpg or in some cases will work as .bmp file.
- Header Image Width = 2953 pixels
- Header Image Height = 739 pixels
- Footer Image Width = 2953 pixels
- Footer Image Height = 369 pixels
The settings below will allow the headers and footers to appear in the word processor correctly when set up in User Defaults:
- Header Height = 4.64
- Top Margin = 0.37
- Footer Height = 2.27
- Footer Top Margin = 25.77
Once you have your .jpg or .bmp, you will need to save them in the Data folder. This will be located on your network drive, for example your Datapath may read W:\WinMan32\Data\SQL.
For more information on How do I add headers and footers, click here