How do I create a Joint Tenancy?

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

The steps below show you how to add a Joint Tenancy where more than one Applicant is sharing a Property.

Every Tenancy in CFPwinMan starts off as an Applicant record, and if there is more than one person sharing a Tenancy, they are known as Joint. One of the Joint Applicants is allocated as a Head Tenant.

They are then created as a Tenancy where the contract terms of their tenancy are added.

There are two ways of adding a Joint Tenancy, you can either:

  • Create a Joint Tenancy in one process, or;
  • Add all Applicants separately then create them as a Joint Tenancy 

This article includes: 

Create a Joint Tenancy in one process

If your Applicant hasn't been added as a record in your CFPwinMan software, you can add the shared Tenants as a Joint Tenancy in one process.

First, you need to decide which applicant will be the Head Tenant as they will be added first.

  1. Click Applicants on the side menu
    1. If Locate an Applicant appears, click Cancel 
  2. Click the New icon, Add a new record, on the toolbar
  3. A new Applicant Information record will display
  4. Click on Status
  5. Select Joint from the dropdown menu
  6. Head Tenant will automatically be ticked. If it isn't, tick it to select
  7. Continue to add all necessary information
    For more information on How do I add an applicant/tenant, click here
  8. Click the disk icon, Save this record, on the toolbar
  9. A message will display Do you want to add another tenant to this multiple tenancy?. Click Yes
  10. Add the second tenants name and information
  11. Click the disk icon, Save this record, on the toolbar
  12. Repeat these steps until all tenants for this shared tenancy are added
  13. When all tenants are added and the message Do you want to add another tenant to this multiple tenancy? appears, click No
  14. Click Edit Head to return to the Head Tenants Applicant Information record

Add Applicants then create a Joint Tenancy

If you have already added your Applicants who are sharing a Tenancy, you need to decide which one will be the Head Tenant.

  1. Double click Applicants on the side menu
  2. Select the chosen Head Tenants Applicant Information record
  3. Click Status
  4. Select Joint from the dropdown menu
  5. Tick the box for Head Tenant 
  6. Click the disk icon, Save this record, on the toolbar


  7. Double click Applicants on the side menu
  8. Search for the record of the person you wish to add as the second Tenant
  9. Click Status
  10. Select Joint from the dropdown menu
  11. Untick the box for Head Tenant
  12. Click Locate
  13. Click Yes to Save Changes
  14. The Locate a Head Tenant/Applicant search will display. Select the person you selected as Head Tenant using Search Text by Name, Code or Status
    1. Alternatively, find the Tenancy using the Information Column dropdown menu
  15. The two Applicants will now be linked together. If you need to add more Applicants to the Head Tenant, repeat these steps, until all your Applicants are linked
  16. Click Edit Head on an Applicant to return to the Head Tenants Applicant Information record

Head Tenants Applicant Information


  1. On the Head Tenant, Applicant Information, ensure:
    1. Status is selected as Joint
    2. Head Tenant is ticked and greyed out
  2. Click List Joint Tenants 
  3. A list of all associated Joint Tenants will display in the lower half of the record

Second and additional Applicants Information


  1. On the associated Tenants Information records, ensure:
    1. Status is selected as Joint
    2. Head Tenant is not ticked and greyed out
  2. The Head Tenant details display the Head Tenants name

Create a Tenancy

The tenancy can be created, after following the steps for either:

  1. Double click Applicants on the side menu
  2. Locate an Applicant will display. Click Search For Head Tenants Only 
  3. Select the correct Head Tenant
  4. Click Create a Tenancy
    For more information on How do I create a Tenancy, click here

Edit associated Joint Tenants

If you have incorrectly associated Joint Tenants, or a Tenant is no longer part of that Tenancy, click here

If you need to change the Head Tenant to another Tenant in the Tenancy, click here

If your Tenant has a guarantor, these can be added to their Tenant Information.
For more information, click here