All contact Information records have a Preference Centre tab where you can select the preferred Delivery Type. This determines how you contact Landlords, Applicants/Tenants and Contractors for their accounts delivery and can be used when bulk sending letters.
In the User Defaults settings, you can set the all contact records across your database to Delivery Type - Email.
The steps below show you how to set your default to email and provide you with an explanation of the impact it has on existing and new contact records.
You will need access to User Defaults, to edit your default settings. These can be accessed by those who have the correct permissions
- Click Defaults on the main toolbar
- Click User Defaults from the dropdown menu
- Click Preferences
- Click the Stationery tab
- Tick Set email as default delivery type. The following message then appears:
(It's important to read this in full as it explains your options)
- If you click Yes
- ALL of your existing records that have an email address, will have Email ticked on the SMS/Email tab
- The Post option will automatically be unticked (therefore this correspondence will not be printed)
- If you click No
- Only newly added records with an email address will have Email ticked on the SMS/Email tab as default
- If you add an email address to an existing record, it will automatically tick the Email option
- If you click Cancel
- No changes will be made
If you tick the box and then untick it, you will need to manually reset any records that don't wish to receive emails by default