CFPwinMan uses its own word processor. Merge codes can be added to a letter template and saved into your CFPwinMan Letters folder as a .txm file, then used to merge with a record when the letter is produced.
To be able to correctly use CFP WordPro, it is worth understanding how the merge codes work, so you can use the correct merge codes for the correct circumstances.
The CFP WordPro merge codes are based on the fields in each Information record, for example:
- Merge code <<LNAME>> refers to the Landlord Name in the Landlord Information record
- Merge code <<PADD1>> refers to the first line of a Property Address in the Property Information record
This article includes:
How records are interlinked
Records are interlinked at certain levels. A simple way to look at this is:
- A Landlord can be linked to many Properties, so when merging a letter from the Landlord that contains Property merge codes, you will be asked to Locate the relevant property record. Alternatively, you could set a Stop Code, then manually type in the details (the same applies to Tenancies and Tenants details)
- A Property is commonly linked to a single Landlord, so a letter at Property level with Landlord merge codes will merge without prompting you to find the Landlord
- A Property can be linked to many Tenancies, so adding a letter to the Property screen that includes Tenancy merge codes means you will not be able to automatically link the relevant Tenancy, so you will be asked to Locate a record. Alternatively, you can set a Stop Code so you can manually type in the details (the same applies to Tenant and Guarantor details)
- A Tenancy is linked to a single Property, so a letter to the Tenancy that contains Property and Landlord merge codes can be generated from this screen with no need for a Locate prompt or Stop Code
- A Tenancy can be linked to multiple Tenants, so adding a letter to the Tenancy screen that includes Tenant merge codes will not allow you to be able to automatically link the relevant Tenant, so you will be asked to Locate a record. Alternatively, you can set a Stop Code so you can manually type in the details (the same applies to Guarantor details)
- A Tenant (Or Guarantor) is linked to one Tenancy, so a letter to the Tenant that contains Tenancy, Property and Landlord merge codes can be generated from this screen with no need for a Locate or Stop Code
Example of the merge code tier
This simple matrix explains which screen automatically links which merge codes and also applies to DocuSign Letters.
Additional comments
There are some codes that you will not see an item for on the Information record, for example:
- <<TYADD1>> Tenancy Address Line 1 – this is a hidden field in CFPwinMan and is based on <<PADD1>> - the Property Address Line 1