How do I amend an existing letter template?

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

Once your letter template has been amended, it can be saved to replace the existing letter template or saved as a new letter template and a new quick letter button created.  

  1. Click the Computer Screen icon on the toolbar
  2. Click the Yellow Folder icon
    1. If the Letters folder doesn't appear, navigate to cfp drive ->Winman32 ->Letters 
  3. Find the template you want to amend and click Open
  4. The template will be displayed for you to make the changes to its text or add additional merge codes
    For more information on How do I create a letter, click here
  5. Click the Save icon on the the toolbar. The quick button will automatically be updated
    1. Alternatively, if you want to save it as a new template, click File, then Save As from the dropdown menu
      For more information on How do I add a letter template to a quick letter button, click here


If you're not sure of the letter template name, for the one you want to edit, open it from the Letters tab. The name of the template will appear on the top of your letter editor screen