How do I create a letter?

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

CFPwinMan uses its own word processor to create letter templates. Each template is saved into your CFPwinMan letters folder as a .txm file.

The steps below show how to create a new letter template, copy an existing letter template, add headers and footers for page numbering and add merge codes.

Once your template is created and a selected record merged with the letter template, the completed document can be edited before you either email, print or send via DocuSign (if activated) to the selected recipients.
For more information on DocuSign, click here

Merged templates are automatically saved to the History Log of the corresponding record and can be retrieved again at a later date.

This article includes: 

Add merge codes

  1. Click the Computer screen icon on the toolbar
  2. A new document page opens. Click Mail merge on the main toolbar
  3. Click Insert field on the dropdown menu to display a list of merge codes. Each group represents merge codes which can be found in the following areas of your CFPwinMan:
    1. Landlord Fields - Landlord Information
    2. Property Fields - Property Information
    3. Tenancy Fields - Tenancy Information
    4. Tenant Fields - Tenant Information
    5. Guarantor Fields - Guarantor Information
    6. Contractor Fields - Contractor Information
    7. Special Fields - Current date, users name, signature etc
    8. DocuSign Fields - Merge codes used for DocuSign templates only
  4. Click on a Merge code from a group, to display the Merge Code Translation on the right side of the Data Field 
  5. Double click on a Merge code to insert the code into your document
  6. Click Close 
  7. Repeat steps 3 - 7 until all merge codes have been entered
  8. Follow the steps below in Save your document template


Stop codes

Where a specific merge code is not available, a Stop Code can be added in to the document. When the document is merged, a prompt will appear for the user to manually enter the specific details.

An example of when a Stop Code might be used could be for the time you have arranged to meet a Tenant.

  1. Click the Computer screen icon on the toolbar
  2. A new document page opens. Click Mail merge on the main toolbar
  3. Click Insert field on the dropdown menu to display a list of merge codes. Each group represents merge codes which can be found in the following areas of your CFPwinMan:
    1. Landlord Fields - Landlord Information
    2. Property Fields - Property Information
    3. Tenancy Fields - Tenancy Information
    4. Tenant Fields - Tenant Information
    5. Guarantor Fields - Guarantor Information
    6. Contractor Fields - Contractor Information
    7. Special Fields - Current date, users name, signature etc
    8. DocuSign Fields - Merge codes used for DocuSign templates only
  4. Click on a Merge code from a group, to display the Merge Code Translation on the right side of the Data Field 
  5. Type the name of your Stop Code in the Stop Codes field
  6. Click Add. The Stop Code is inserted into the document
  7. Click Close

When the document is merged, the system will prompt for you to enter this information, where it will appear in your document. 


Copy and edit an existing template

There is a blank template available on each Information page, these can be copied and edited, then saved as your new document name. This saves you time as you will only need to add the contents of your letter and any relevant merge codes to your new letter template.

The names of existing blank templates are:

  • Landlord template - LLBK.TXM
  • Property template - PROPBK.TXM
  • Tenancy - TNCYBK.TXM
  • Tenant - TNTBK.TXM
  • Guarantor - GUARBK.TXM
  • Contractor - CONTBK.TXM

These templates are set up with the essential merge codes and will appear in the layout of a standard letter:

  • Addressee full name i.e. <<TYNAME>> 
  • Addressee full address i.e. <<PFULLADD>>
  • Today's date i.e. <<SPDATE>>
  • Addressee salutation i.e. Dear <<TYSALU>> 
  • Reference to the property address, if applicable i.e. Re: <<cADDRESSON1>> <<PPSTCD>>
  • Yours sincerely
  • The senders signature i.e. <<SPSIGNATURE>>
  • The senders name i.e. <<SPNAME>>

To copy an existing template:

  1. Click the Computer screen icon on the toolbar
  2. Click the Yellow folder icon
  3. If the Letters folder doesn't appear, navigate to cfp drive ->Winman32 ->Letters 
  4. Find the blank template you want to copy, i.e. TNCYBK.TXM
  5. Click Open
  6. The template appears with all the above essential merge codes
  7. Click on to the body area and start to type your contents

Add page numbering to a footer

  1. Open the document template which you want to add a header or footer to
  2. Click View on the main toolbar
  3. Click Headers and Footers from the dropdown menu
  4. Click the white page icon with a double vertical arrow, to switch between header and footer views
    1. Place your cursor in the footer
    2. Click Insert on the main toolbar
    3. Click Into Header/Footer from the dropdown menu
    4. Click Page X of Y 
    5. Click the align icon to move the footer to the left, middle or right margin 
    6. Add a merge code to your footer for DocuSign
      1. Press enter to make sure the cursor is in the line above the page numbering
      2. Click Table
      3. Click Insert
      4. Click Table
      5. Enter 1 Row and 4 Columns
      6. Click OK
      7. Add your text into the table. If it's for DocuSign, allow plenty of space in for multiple tenants to place their initials
      8. Follow Add merge codes to insert the correct merge code into your footer

Save your document template

Once you have created your template as detailed in the above steps, the document must be saved to the cfp drive ->Winman32 ->Letters 

  1. Click File on the main toolbar of the word processor
  2. Click Save As to name your letter
  3. Save your new template in to cfp drive ->Winman32 ->Letters 

It's best to save your letter on a tab and button in the relating Information record, so it can be merged from a document record.
For more information on How do I add a letter template to a quick letter button, click here

Location of stored letters

All CFPwinMan letters are stored in a central location.

If you are unsure of its location, you will need access to User Defaults. These can be accessed by those who have the correct permissions.

  1. Click Defaults on the main toolbar
  2. Click User Defaults from the dropdown menu
  3. Click the Pat h& WP Options tab
  4. Document Path displays the location of your stored letters